jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2020

Programa 367 - 19/11/20


 Medicina musical para tiempos grises. Material para hacer frente a un invierno cabrón, para escupirle a la cara o para danzarle y reirte de el.

- Crass: "They've a bomb"
- Biznaga: "Adorno"
- Futuro: "License to fail" / "The third eye"
- Start Party: "No excuse" / "All I really wanna do"
- Acanthus: "Free from the curse" / "The shiver of the vampires"
- The Corporation: "Changes" / "Sitting by the sea"
- Joey Gee & The Come-Ons: "She's mean"
- Freddy!: "Mezcal mule"
- Johnny Ruiz & The Escapers: "Stay (riddim)"
- Billy Brooks: "Rockin Julius" 

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